GDO DCHP Change Log
- The subset request processing code for the LOCA CMIP5 Climate data has been rewritten. Users many notice several changes in the format of the results (discussed below) and reduced processing times.
- NetCDF subset requests now have the GCM/ESM, scenario, and ripf included in the case dimension as well as in the separate "Projections" file.
- Requests for the LOCA CMIP5 training dataset (Livneh 2013) in netCDF format with both spatial and temporal statistics were being saved within the same netCDF file. For consistency with similar types of requests from other datasets, spatial and temporal statistics will now be written to seporate netCDFs with the prefixes "Stats.spatial" and "Stats.period".
- The GCM/ESM name, scenario, and rip(f) (referred to as "case") are now formatted as GCM/ESM.scenario.ripf (e.g., "ACCESS1-0.rcp45.r1i1p1f1"). The previous format was GCM/ESM.run_number.scenario (e.g., "access1-0.1.rcp45"). This precluded information regarding the ipf values.
- Spatial masks are now saved for tributary area requests regardless of if all cells are not masked (active).
- The spatial mask cdl file is now of a byte data type. This is similar to boolean. Previously the mask data were a mix of integers (a "1") and strings ("--" and "_"). However the specified data type would be a numeric (e.g., float, double, etc.).
- When the tributary area tool is used, netCDFs and cdls of the spatial mask are no longer written for each variable. The single "spatial_mask.(nc|cdl)" file can be applied to all variables in the request. N.B., data processing which relies on the spatial mask and the variable sharing a variable name may require updates. The spatial mask also now uses a value of True or 1 to indicate a location is active (i.e., unmasked). This differs from the legacy method of indicating unmasked locations with 1 and masked locations with either the dataset fill value (i.e., 1e+20 or 1e+30) or "--".
- NetCDF subset requests that also include statistics now have the case dimension populated with the period separated GCM/ESM name, scenario, and rip(f) (e.g., "ACCESS1-0.rcp45.r1i1p1f1").
- For 1/16th degree LOCA CMIP5, the rectangular area selection method would return an enlarged 1/8th degree-based area. The results are now left at the 1/16th degree scale.
- The name of the subdirectory for LOCA CMIP5 within a subset results
job directory has been changed from "loca5" to "loca_16th"
to denote the grid resolution. This also reduces confusion
with the pending release of the new version of LOCA--LOCA2
- A change log for the site has been being kept for several years. It is now available via the "Change Log" link in the lower right corner of the webpage.
- A "Related Studies" tab was added with a collection of
studies which used the data resources available on this site.
- Support for accessing subset results and data archive via https. Currently access via ftp and Globus are still supported. FTP will be removed at a later date.
- The size limit for the loca hydrology dataset was begin calculated incorrectly. This led to user's being able to submit much larger subset requests than could be processed in a reasonable amount of time. This limit has been reduced to better align with the other request size limits.
- Update text next to User Tag field to emphasize that the information entered is not private.
- Update text next to Email confirmation box for clarity.
- Blurb about web browsers and FTPs to header of Archive tab.
- User supplied tags for subset requests are now written to a file name with the prefix "0TAG__" instead of "0TAG:".
- Incrementally increased the number of subset requests that can process simultaneously to reduce request processing time.
- LLNL increased the computing resources dedicated to the site.
- Timing in cron for executing job processing with the intent to address some job failures.
- Updated tutorials for BCSD Climate
- Modernized Excel workbooks and figures
- Completely redid the HTML for tutorials 1 and 2
- Introduced use of heading, figure, figcaption, img alt text, and abbreviations
- Fixed typos
- Addressed some clarity issues
- Updated ftp url message
- Added popup message regarding review of cells selected by trib tool when the trib tool is selected.
- Bug where obs was inactivated if either year was post end of obs period
- Added message below the site title regarding Chrome not supporting ftp access
- Added similar message below the link to download the data in email
- Moved to latest version of GWT (2.9.0)
- Updated some deprecated calls in the java code
- Updated directory structure to match more closely the local, testing structure.
- Updated out of date Notes.txt file
- Updated css to use html heading designations
- Enforced consistency between content on the "Welcome" page and the Notes.txt file.
- Script and cronjob to regularly delete old subset results. Currently set to remove results older than 180 days every month.
- Bug were users couldn't select observed data past 1999 if a portion of the time request wasn't prior to 2000.
- Broken link for GCM model terms of use